

Every 2min x 7 Rounds

3 Bench Press (inc) + 8 Barbell Situp

20 Snatch

20 Cals Bike

20 Snatch

20- Cals Row

20 Snatch


Every 2min x 3 Rounds

10 Pullup + 3 Back Squat (inc)

Every 2min x 3 Rounds

6 C2B + 2 Back Squat (inc)

Every 2min x 3 Rounds

2 Muscle up + 1 Back Squat (inc)

**Increase squat every time. Scale as 10/6/2 as all pullups if you can’t do c2b or MU

40 Push Press

30 Box Jump

20 DB Power Clean (use two DB)

10 Wall Walk

20 DB Power Clean

30 Box Jump

40 Push Press


Every 90 sec x 10 Rounds

25 DU + 3/2/1 power snatch (inc every round; 3 reps first 3 rounds, 2 reps next 3 rounds, then 1 rep for last 4 rounds)

10min AMRAP

1000m Row buy-in then AMRAP in remaining time of

15 Wall Ball + 9 T2B


Every 90s for 10 Rounds

4 Hang Power Clean + 5 Front Squat + 6 Burpee

2min AMRAP x 4 Rounds

250m Row + ME DB Bench

Rest 1min after each Round

(Rest 3min total between AMRAPS – that’s the original 1min rest after a round plus two more)

2min AMRAP x 4 Rounds

Run 200m + ME Russian KB Swing

Rest 1min after each Round


16min EMOM alternate

3 Push Jerk from floor (inc)

1 Rope Climb/5-8 Strict Pullup (alternate these each time)

w/ a partner

Run 1600m (200m intervals)

80 Slam Ball

80 Burpee

Run 800m (200m intervals)

60 Alt DB Snatch

60 Burpee

Run 400m (200m intervals)

40 OH Plate Lunges (L+R =1)

40 Burpees