Fundamentals Month.
This month we’ll take it back to the fundamentals. Expect to see lots of pause reps and tempo reps to ensure we’re hitting good positions. We’ll be spending dedicated time on improving range of motion and movement quality in the three main lifts; squats, presses, and deadlifts.
The work we put in on those lifts will carry over to other movements that we do each day in our workouts. The coaches will be available to help specifically with your movement this month, but I’d like to challenge you to hold yourself accountable this month to move better both in the strength portion and in the workouts!
Each workout will have a Movement Focus that I want you to think about when doing the workouts, and the coaches will help in going over the focus areas before each workout. Let’s take a month and try to prioritize movement quality over whiteboard times/scores. This will pay dividends as we move towards the Open.
We’ll be pursuing virtuosity this month!
-Chris Stang
5×3 Pause Back Squat
5 second pause
50, 50, 50, 60, 60%
4 rounds for time:
20 WB
15 T2B
20 Pushups
**Movement focus
Full Depth WB
Proper Push-Up Technique
5×3 Strict Press
5 sec pause overhead
50, 50, 50, 60, 60%
12 min AMRAP
15 cals
10 power clean
3 Wall Walk
**Movement focus
Elbows in the power cleans
5×3 Deadlift
Touch and go. Stand up fast, 5 second negative
50, 50, 50, 60, 60%
For Time:
60 DU
40 Burpee Box Jump Over
60 DU
40 pullups
**Movement focus
Burpee efficiency
Pullup range of motion
Work to heavy Front Squat
Every 3 minutes x 5 rounds
15 KBS
50’ walking lunge
15 situps
**Movement focus
Situp range of motion
5×3 Power Snatch
Moderately heavy, focusing on barbell cycling.
10 min AMRAP
15 Cals
12 DL
**Movement focus
DL range of motion
HSPU technique