** GOALS Challenge** pick a goal that you would like to work on. You have almost 2 months to work on this goal (End of October), so pick something that is within reach but also challenges you! Good Luck!!
Running Workouts
Warming up is just as important as the workout…if not, more so. Please take time to get a good warm up before jumping into these runs.
This is a great one to walk through
Workout #1
Warm up stretches + 5 min jog starting EZ and increase effort every minute
10×100 meters
*Hard effort. Rest 90 seconds in between
Workout #2
Warm up stretches + 10 min jog alternating between minutes of EZ to Moderate
3×600 @ PR Mile Time
Rest 5 minutes in between 600’s
Workout #3
60-75 minutes of a slow EZ jog
Shakes and Teas will be back on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. TEXT Justin at 200-3848 or Sign up at the gym.
Tempo *3231 BS
3×8 @ 45%
Front squat
3×3 @ 80% (*5-10# heavier than last week)
200M Row sprint
15-12-9-6-3 T2B/Pull-ups *10-8-6-4-2 Bar MU’s
Rest 1:30 between rounds
5×3 @ 80%
2×10 @ 60%
*between sets of press do 5-10 strict pull-ups
6 Rds
8 Power cleans (cycle)
8 S2OH
200M Run
3231 Tempo FS
3×5 @ 45%
3×3 @ 70-75%
15 min EMOM alt.
2 Squat Snatches
30 Mt Climbers
2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
*between sets do 5-10 plyo push-ups
40 DU’s
40 Push-ups
40 Du’s
40 goblet squats
40 Du’s
40 KBS
40 Du’s
40 sit-ups
40 Du’s
Bench or DL
5×5 @ 75%
Every 4 min for 4RDs
12/9 Bike Calories
10 DL
10 lateral Burpees