
Welcome back! As part of Phase 1.5 we are allowed to open the gym but we cannot run group classes. If you’re interested in coming in to workout, the gym is open 24/7 and you can contact us for details. Murph is coming up in a week so if you’re interested in doing that then let us know. For those of you coming to the gym, there will be a sign up sheet. Unlike years past, we aren’t going to be able to have a giant group workout and cookout. We’re going to limit it to ~10 people at a time. This means members only so no drop-ins, kids, etc – sorry. We typically do Murph on Monday but we’ll probably do a Sun & Monday this year to limit the group sizes.

Week 5 Running Workouts – I would encourage you all to do some of these. They are good workouts but won’t kill you if you hate running. If you did the mile time trial last week then you can use this calculator to determine what your training tempos should be based on the distance and effort.

Workout 1
400 Meters (slow just a little faster than a walking pace)
200 Meters (a little faster than the 400)
200 Meters (faster)
100 Meters 75-80% effort
50 Meters 85-90% effort
***This is just building speed no rest between the meters
Rest 3 minutes then
100Meters x 6 @ 90-95% effort
Rest as much as you need your 100 meter time should not deviate at all! If you run a 30 second 100 meter do not get slower. It should burn
Workout 2
1 mile tempo pace (this is a moderate effort)
Rest 3 minutes
1 mile tempo pace (this is a moderate effort)
Workout 3
Goal to run at least a 5K at an EZ pace

CrossFit Workouts

Work to heavy single 3sec pause front/back squat (heavier than previous)

Every 3min x 4rds
10 db clean (2 db if you have them)
15 wall ball
30 Double Under

Rest 3min

Every 3min x 4rds
10 alt db snatch
10 Burpee
10 Cals

Complete this by doing 30sec work then 30sec rest the whole time
50 Cals
45 Hang Power Clean
40 Cals
35 Push Press
30 Cals
25 Hang Power Clean
20 Cals
15 Push Press
10 Cals
*After each station do 10 T2B (remove this is scale down as needed)
**Use the same barbell/weight for the HPC and PP

Every 90 sec x 10 rounds complete
1 Power Clean & 1 Snatch (inc)
**Power clean is heavier than snatch. So do the power clean, lighten the weight and do the snatch. Then increase both weights and continue

20min EMOM – alternate
12 Cals
12 Thruster
Max Russian Swings
**Score is worst # of Swings

Pick one of the running workouts listed above
7 Rounds
7 Cals Bike
7 C2B
7 Deadlifts

Work to heavy double bench press

Death by 10m
EMOM Run 10m and add 10m each round (shuttle run style)
Min 1: 10m
Min 2: 2x10m
Min 3: 3x10m
etc, until you can’t complete the prescribed runs in the 1min time frame. Can you get 18 rounds? What about 20?