Monthly Challenge is back! This month the challenge involves weighted carries – something you should be doing more of anyway. So perform any of the following and record your accumulated distance for the month. Can you get to 5 miles? How about 10 miles?
- farmers carry
- Waters carry (one arm overhead)
- yoke
- 2kb front rack
- sandbag/stone
Note the weights should be no lighter than what you would typically use for a kb swing. Sandbags/stones should be ~2x kb swing weight. The min weight on the yoke is 185lbs as that’s the unloaded weight!
20 rep back squat
2 sets of 20 reps at 50% (4-5 minutes rest between)
4 rounds
25 situps
15 psnatch (75/55)
10 push-ups
At 0:00 – 400m run @warmup pace
At 4:00 – 400m run @70% effort
At 8:00 – 400m run @80% effort
At 11:00 – 400m run @ 90% effort
At 15:00 – 400m run @recovery pace
For Time:
100 DU’s
Bar-facing burpees
100 DU’s
Work to heavy
Clean + Hang Clean + 3 FS
12 min AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 DB Snatch
2,4,6, etc of Run Down and Lunge back (so run 25′ then lunge back 25′ – do this 2x, then 4x, etc)
5×2 Snatch DL + Snatch (increasing)
Every 4 mins x 6
15 Wallballs
2 Wallwalks
10 T2B
2 Muscle Ups
30 minutes of weighted carry+skill work. Work weighted carries at easy pace and every 2-3min stop and work on a skill movement for 30-60sec. This could be Double Under, Muscle up, handstand pushup, handstand hold/walk, clean & jerk, pistol, rope climb, etc
Partner Workout
For Time:
* Partner hang
50 Power Cleans
* Partner plank hold
–Rest 2 minutes
75 T2B
* Partner HS hold
75 Burpees
* Partner DL hold