Every 3min for 15min
3 Power Clean (increasing)
3 Bench Press (increasing)
12/8 Bike Cals (fast)
7 Rounds
10 Cals Row + 6 Burpee Box Jump
15+ min
7 Rounds
10 Cals Bike + 6 1-arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk
12min EMOM Alternate
6,5,4,3,2,2 Front Squat (increasing)
6 Heavy DB Row (6 each arm)
Every 3min for 6 Rounds
8 Cals Row
8 Pull-ups
8 Jerks
**Add 1 rep to each movement every round
5 Rounds
10 Barbell/Plate situps + 10 Russian Twists
Rest 30-60s after each round
Every 4min for 20min
4 seated box jump + 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch (increasing) + Row 250m fast
**Do the snatch pulls with more weight and then take some weight off before the snatch attempt
100 KB Swing
80 Burpees
60 T2B
40 Goblet Squat
20 Muscle Up
**Break Up however you want
5 Rounds
25 Double Under + 3 Devil Press
Bike 1mile
Rest 3min and repeat
7min AMRAP
Box Step Up (no weight)
EMOM stop and do 6 DB curls each arm
8min EMOM
3 Lateral Burpees + 3 Thruster (increasing)
w/ a partner
2 Rounds
40 Cals Row + 20 Thruster
2 Rounds
10 Down and Backs (wall to wall) + 20 Snatch (heavier than thruster)
2 Rounds
40 Cals Bike + 20 Clean and Jerk (heavier than snatch)