
Back Squat – work to heavy double (heavier than last week) then
3×3 @ 80% of heavy double

16min Time Cap
Burpee Pullup
Deadlift (light)

5×4 Push Press (heavier than last week)
4×3 Dips w/ 10sec hold at top of dip (done between sets of push press)

12min AMRAP
1 bear complex
40 Double Unders
**1 bear complex = 1 Power clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press

Work to heavy squat snatch

4 Rounds
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar
15 Overhead Squat (light or front squat if you have limited mobility)

4×3 Bench Press
4×8 Bulgarian split squat (each leg – do lunges if limited mobility)
Do split squat after each set of bench press

20min AMRAP
40 sit-ups
30 air squats
20 Calories
10 Heavy KB Swings
2 Rope Climbs

Friday – Open 19.5!
This is the last week of the open! Come hang out and/or hit the workout with everyone in the evening. After, you’re encouraged to join us at Augustinos for some beers and amazing Hawaiian food from Noble House