Work to heavy 2 rep pause front squat
13min AMRAP
40 Cals
50 Wall Ball
60 OH Walking Lunge w/ Plate
70 Double Unders
20min EMOM
Odd: 3 Jerks from floor
Even: Rotate between
Muscle Up/Pullup+Dips; Strict Pullup (Pick rep numbers you can maintain – try and stay out of failure)
15min Time Cap
KB Swing
Every 3min for 18min
12/9 Cals Bike
10 Toes to Bar
8 Power Clean*
Pick a weight that you can go touch and go for all 10. This is going to be a lot of reps
Rest 5min
6 Rounds
90 sec On/OFF
Row 10/7 Cals
Sled Push Down and Back
AMRAP Lateral Jump Overs in remaining time*
*Jump back and forth over a PVC pipe set at challenging height (not onto a box – you jump from the ground and land on the ground)
Thurs – Closed
Fri – Open Gym 10-noon