Every 3min for 15min
6 Back Squat @ 70% + 5 ring rows each arm
3min AMRAP: Run 100m, 5 Pullups
Rest 3min
3min AMRAP: Run 100m, 15 KB Swings
Rest 3min
3min AMRAP: Run 100m, 10 Box Jumps
With 1:1 work/rest these runs should be fast!
5min EMOM
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
12min EMOM alternate 3 Muscle Up, 5 Strict HSPU
5 Rounds
10 Overhead Squat
10 Pushups
10 T2B
Every 2min for 12min
3 Squat Clean & Jerk (increasing)
15-12-9 Pullup (c2b)
9-12-15 Hang Power Clean
Rest 4min
15-12-9 Box Step over with DBs
9-12-15 DB Deadlifts
10min EMOM alternate
30s Double Unders
5 Bench Press (increasing)
5 Rounds
10 Dips
10 Cals
Rest 2min
5 Rounds
10 Russian Swings
10 Goblet Squats
5×5 Front Squat @ 70%
w/ a partner
4 Rounds
10 Thruster
10 Chin-ups (not pullup)
10 Burpee
Rest 1min
4 Rounds
10 Wall Ball
10 Burpee
25′ Overhead Walking Lunge with Wall Ball
*Complete a full round while partner rests then switch