5 Rounds
7 Power Clean
8 Burpee Pull-up
Rest 2min
Run 400 fast
Rest 1min
Run 200 fast
**Score is only your time to complete the 5 round couplet
Run 800
100 T2B
50 front squats
10 Rope Climb
Run 800
**Partition the T2B, front squats and rope climbs however you wish
6min AMRAP
5 strict HSPU
10 Deadlift
15 KB Swing
Rest 1min
6min AMRAP
5 kipping HSPU
10 DL (lighter)
15 KB Swing (lighter)
**Use the 1min rest to switch KB and lower your DL weight. Can you complete more rounds in the 2nd half?
Rest as needed, then 25 Burpees, 25 Slam Ball as fast as possible
5 Rounds
2min AMRAP
40 Double Under
15 Wall Ball
ME Row Cals in remaining time
2min Rest between rounds
2 Rounds
90 Air Squats
10 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest as needed, then
EMOM 8min 1x Sled Sprint (~50 ft)