2015-04-08 & Strength Template Update

As you might’ve seen yesterday, or will see today, the 3 strength workouts posted for the week contain quite a bit of work. After watching people go through it yesterday I made a slight change to overall plan for some of you. If you come 4+ times a week then your goal is to get through all the work. As I said before, you can split up each of the 3 sessions however you need to but if you’re coming that often then you can probably get through everything in a week.

However, if you are 3x/wk or less then you should only focus on the exercises that are marked with a star on the whiteboard. This is 2 lifts and at least one accessory exercise and it should be something you can get through in a single class. If you have additional time then you can hit the 3rd lift and/or additional accessory exercises but get through the starred exercises first. After you get used to the format it won’t be so confusing and you’ll settle into a routine.

Sumo DL High Pull
Lateral Jump