Member Spotlight – Manny Montenegro
Occupation: Commercial Manager, Transportation at Koch Industries. I work with the railroads and railcar companies in order to move many of the commodities that we produce. I’m originally from Los Angeles, but I grew up in Tennessee. I studied Logistics and Transportation at the University of Tennessee, then I went to work for Union Pacific Railroad after college. The railroad sent me to Omaha, Houston, and Seattle before I moved to Wichita to work for Koch in 2007
Favorite WOD: Any partner WOD with Emily… she’s a bit more competitive than I am.
Least favorite WOD: 8/22/2013… I have a severe mental block when it comes to hand stand push ups, I went too heavy on the dead lifts, and I found out that 1′ jump touches are miserable.
Recent Accomplishments: I married my sweetheart in May and we are expecting a little girl in March!
Next Goals: Focus on getting leaner and eating healthier. I’m halfway to my pull-up goal, but I’d really like to get lighter so I can start thinking about muscle ups.